Mock Trial Team
For those of you who have high school students who are interested in the law, enjoy public speaking or debate, or who are looking for a fun extracurricular activity that provides opportunity to meet new people, improve public speaking, express creativity, and hone analytical and advocacy skills, you need look no further. Mock trial is the activity for you.
9th-12th grade students who are currently being home educated, along with their parents, are invited to an interest meeting for high school mock trial. Mock trial is a trial advocacy competition sponsored, in Tennessee, by the Young Lawyer's Division of the Tennessee Bar Association.
The interest meeting will overview what mock trial is, why one should consider participating, and some logistics. The meeting will be conducted by David Greene, attorney and former homeschooler, and will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Kingsport on Thursday, August 8, 2013 at 6:30pm. It is expected to last approximately 45 minutes. RSVPs are appreciated, but not required.
If you have other questions, or to RSVP, please contact David Greene at davidgreenejd (at)
You may read more about mock trial here:
http://tinyurl. com/KACHEAmock14
Links to articles regarding past successes:
http://www.tba. org/info/ 2013-state- mock-trial- championship
http://www.timesnew 9059151/home- schooled- students- from-area- head-t\
o-national-competit ion
http://www.timesnew 9061719/local- mock-trial- team-competes- in-natio&# 92;
General information, previous cases and rules (and featuring your state champion
KACHEA mockers) may be found at the Tennessee Bar
Association&# 39;s website, located at
http://www.tba. org/info/ tennessee- high-school- mock-trial- 0
David Greene davidgreenejd (at)