
KACHEA Basketball will hold open gyms for new and returning players beginning the week of August 12, 2024 at Colonial Heights Baptist Church in Kingsport . This is a great opportunity for new players to check out the Wildcats program. More details to follow.

KACHEA Basketball provides opportunities for boys and girls in grades 6-12 to play competitive basketball. The Wildcats play a mix of public, private and homeschool teams. Our goal is to teach basketball fundamentals, provide competitive playing opportunities and glorify God in the process.

For more information, contact:
Jama Joyner
KACHEA Basketball AD


High School Boys Calendar
Middle School Boys Calendar

Eligibility: Boys and girls; varsity, junior varsity, middle school; 
You must be a homeschool student and a member of KACHEA.
Season: August-February
Leadership: Director and coach info
Up-to-date information: https://www.facebook.com/KacheaWildcats


Eligibility: Girls only; varsity, junior varsity, middle school; You must be a homeschool student and a current member of KACHEA.

Practice: Spring and summer
Games: August-October.
Practice/Home Court: Holy Mountain Baptist Church, Kingsport

Running Club 2024

Run for fun, exercise or competitively. To run competitively, the family must join Kachea.

Running Club - May through mid October

Coach: Currently seeking new head coach

Details and up-to-date information: Each week the coach sends an email with that week's location and other information. Contact the coach to be added to the email distribution list.
Eligibility: Families, ages 7 and up, but younger children also welcome if accompanied the whole time by a parent.
Season: Typically runs from May through mid-October. Running Club trains through the Summer and races are in the fall, for those who wish to compete.
Practices: A local venue in the greater Kingsport area (such as Warriors Path, a local school track or similar).
Leadership: Director and coach info here

 Track Team 2025

Leadership: Head Coach/Coordinator: Bill McSpadden (billymac@reagan.com - 423-765-7189)
Assistant Coach: Joel Gonce (gonce5191@yahoo.com - 423-341-5635

Eligibility: Middle school and high school, boys and girls.  5th graders are eligible to run with our middle school team.  

Season:  Pre-season practice - January.  Seasonal practice and competitions - February through late April.

  1. Location: Practices will most often be held at the Sullivan West Middle School Track, Sullivan Gardens, 4154 Sullivan Gardens Drive, with an occasional practice held at Warriors or the DB track. 
  2. Schedule: A typical practice schedule will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, though 4 days a week, will sometimes occur. Practices generally start at 4 pm and last until 5:30 or 6 pm.
  3. The TeamReach app is the means of communication so contact BILL to connect with team information.


Concussion Training

All leaders and parent helpers for sports are required to complete the HEADS UP to Youth Sports online training available here: Nfhslearn.com.